This feature allows you to invite up to 10 additional household members to interact with connected appliances associated with the account in the following ways:
1. Run cycles.
2. Receive notifications.
3. Create, edit, and delete favorite cycles for all users - favorites created, edited and deleted by one user will be accessible to all users, both invited and primary.
An invited household member cannot:
1. Setup voice for the shared appliance.
2. Make changes to Amazon Dash Replenishment Service if it has been set up by the primary user.
3. Delete an appliance that is associated with the primary user.
Step 1. Open the app and make sure you are logged in.
Step 2. On your mobile device, where you are logged into the app, click on the invitation link sent to your email inbox.
Step 3. The link will redirect you to the app, and prompt you to either accept or cancel the invitation.
Step 4. Click on “Accept” if you wish to do so, and you are all set!
Currently, you can invite a maximum of 10 household members (Accepted, Pending, Expired).
Step 1. Open the app and make sure you are logged in.
Step 2. Access the Settings page.
Step 3. On the Settings page, navigate to “Household Members”.
Step 4. On the Household Members page click on “Invite New Member” and follow in-app prompts.
The invitation expires in 10 days. At this point, you can either choose to resend the invitation, or remove the expired invite.
Step 1. Open the app and make sure you are logged in.
Step 2. Access the Settings page.
Step 3. On the Settings page, navigate to “Household Members”.
Step 4. This page contains a list of all household members that you invited and are in varying stages of acceptance: accepted, pending, or expired. This page also gives you the ability to remove household members.
Step 1. Open the app and make sure you are logged in.
Step 2. Access the Settings page.
Step 3. On the Settings page, navigate to “Household Members”.
Step 4. You will see a list of invited members who are in varying stages of acceptance: accepted, pending, or expired.
Step 5. Tap on any name on the list to bring up a detailed menu. This menu will allow you to remove a household member.
Step 1. Open the app and make sure you are logged in.
Step 2. Access the Settings page.
Step 3. On the Settings page, click on “Appliance Settings”.
Step 4. On the Appliance Settings page, you will see a list of appliances.
Step 5. Click on the appliance of interest to view details, including whether this appliance is shared and by whom.
Appliances associated with a household member’s account have been shared with you, and sharing restricts certain features. You attempted to access a feature that is restricted for a secondary user.