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Choose the durable strength, class and style of a Maytag® French door refrigerator

Steel shelves with LED lighting in our French door refrigerators create a supportive and easy-to-organize environment for all your family’s groceries. Whether you’re storing watermelon, wine or Wednesday night’s leftovers, a French door fridge from Maytag is up to the challenge of keeping everything cold and easy to access. Take advantage of the PowerCold® feature to cool food down quickly when you get back from the store. Choose a French door refrigerator with  fingerprint resistant stainless steel  for a smudge-resistant and easy-to-clean kitchen. Or, get more control with the adjustable-temperature drawer in our 4-door refrigerators so you can select the perfect level of cold to keep your food fresh. Browse the full line of durable, powerful Maytag® French door refrigerators to find the right model to store and chill food for your family. Explore our refrigerator sales to find current discounts and savings on Maytag® fridges. Learn about more types of refrigerators.